Your Gift Makes a Difference

The outdoor camps and programs offered through Pathways to Learning are uniquely designed to foster a love for education.


All Youth Deserve To Go To Camp!

  • Robert Braden-Powell, Founder of the Boy Scouts of America, often said:

  • “A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room.”

Do you remember your first time at camp? There are so many unique and iconic things about camp. The campfire, the people, everything about it is truly one of a kind. Your camp memories might have been some of the best times of your life, and we believe all kids deserve to have the same extraordinary camp experience.

Not all families can afford to send their children to camp (or often times these are the children who want to attend camp the most) for the day, much less a week of camp. That is where you can help, and you will be changing a child’s life forever.

See Your Impact

Your Donation Helps Give the Gift of Camp

Why does today’s youth need camp? Not only is this an opportunity to positively impact our culture but change the lives of many children who need our help. Many of the campers that we serve are the underserved youth, including youth in the foster care system, Title 1 school students, among others. Each underserved population we serve has alarming statistics.

  • Your $100 Donation:
  • Sends one underserved youth to camp for a day.
  • Your $500 Donation:
  • Sends one underserved youth to camp for a week.
  • Your $5000 Donation:
  • Sends ten underserved youth to a week-long camp.

Please consider donating today!

Interested in doing more? We have donor sponsorship programs for cabins, amenities, and more! Click here to have our Engagement Director contact you with more information about these opportunities.
